An usually active Sun has given us some especially brilliant and visible Northern Lights in recent months. For Boise State Physics’ July 2024 First Friday Astronomy event, we’ll host Dr. Elizabeth Macdonald, director of NASA’s Aurorasaurus project. In preparation for that event, I’ve written this short primer on the science of the Northern Lights.
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The advent of increasingly sophisticated, commercial-grade astronomical hardware and software is democratizing science in a profound way. Citizen scientists have helped find planets in other solar systems, classify galaxies, and spot supernovae. Closer to home, citizen scientists are helping unlock the mysteries of our own solar system through the science of occultations.
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Boise State Physics First Friday Astronomy Summer 2024 Line-Up
Lectures start 7:30p MT in the Liberal Arts Building (LART), room 106 (https://maps.boisestate.edu/?id=715#!m/89064)
Events are open to the public and donation-supported.